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26th January 2006, 00:46
The Santaduck TacticalOps FAQ
keybinding speechbinding server admin abuse sounds

Santa's Tactical Ops FAQ (all platforms, incl Win/Linux)

Sort of an outdated version originally written for 3.32, but it includes lots of useful information, such as how to keybind complex commands in-game (including mac keyboard translations), some server setup issues, and of course an admin abuse section, should you want to do something like monster summoning, or creating a fully-automatic DE that does 99999 damage. April 2004, I added a list of TO-native sounds that can be trigged. Want to hear dogs for "w00t" or "woof", or cats for "meow", a garage door for "gtg", wet squishing sounds for "gay", or ultrakill for "autre"? Here's how. Sorry it's not user-friendly yet, and the FAQ overall is a mess, but if you're looking then you probably know enough to use it on your server... just edit your TOST entries for TOSTfun.

For current TO information, such as TOST compliance with macs in TO 3.40, please do a Search in forums.

The FAQ is taken from the one I maintain here (http://www.santaduck.com/tacticalops/tacticalopsaotfaq.html).


__________________________________________________ _________
__________________________________________________ _________


Frequently Asked Questions, Tactical Ops, Assault on Terror.

Notes on Advanced User Functions for Tactical Ops, AoT

Version 2.3

[XGMR][FO]Santaduck [url=http://www.xgmr.com/]http://www.xgmr.com/[/url] [url=http://www.frag-ops.com/]http://www.frag-ops.com/[/url]




Version notes:

1.0 forums/email version, combined forum posts for topics such as admin commands, summoning, keybinding weapons tables, etc.

1.1 6/2002 edited for web. Lots of UT commands added... not all have been completely tested, although some were (like onrelease).

1.11 7/16/2002 just added minor TOST commands: showadmin tab & mkteams

1.12 added some unreali objects

1.13 added recommended weapon binds

2.00 some info on 3.32... also updated summoning and pistols/knife enforcement, and added TOST semiadmin commands and privileges key. Weapon strength table is still 3.15 however.
2.10 Added Sound info at bottom, in a disorganized way, but if you're looking for sounds you'll know what it is. I still haven't gotten around to adding info on 3.40 nor on the latest TOST ( Check utpg.org for the latest on UT.




Keybinding means putting commands onto keys on your keyboards.

Using the "pipe" command, which looks like a straight line: |

you can chain multiple commands onto a single key.

All your key commands are stored in the file to_user.ini.

So the best way to edit that is using a text editor like simpletext or Microsoft Word.

You can also do these functions while running Tactical Ops, by entering the "Console". By default, this is set to either tilde "~" (for console) or tab (for quick-console, or 1 command at a time). Once you are in the console, for example to set a command to the key "E",

you can type: set input E command

For example: set input E teamsay Reloading!!!

will make you say "Reloading!!!" to your teammates when you hit the E key.

Suppose you want the E key to actually reload and you also teamsay "Reloading!!!" Then you use the "pipe" key to link multiple commands together. This looks like: "|", and is usually on your keyboard as shift-\ (frontslash).

Look up the command for reloading (which is s_kReload, which you can look up below, or if you didn't know that, just set it to a key in your Tactical Ops Controls panel, then look up what is automatically listed after that key=. . . in your to_user.ini).

Now go into to_user.ini with a text editor and change the E= line to:

E=s_kReload | teamsay Reloading!!!

Note the "|" between the two commands. You could even chain 10 commands together using more of these "|" between each command.

Again, you could do this in your console in Tactical Ops (Tab or Tilde),

and you could type:

set input e s_kReload | teamsay Reloading!!!

to do the same thing.




The UT "onrelease" function is implemented for some (not all) TO commands. In particular, main actions such as "Fire" "AltFire" and "Jump" do not work.

Basically, the "onrelease" will make it so the action is performed as you release the key, not as you press it down initially.

Try this:

E=behindview 1 | onrelease behindview 0

To keybind away, use the list of weapon binds and speech binds listed below.




You can define commands or sets of commands under the lines that say "Aliases" in your to_user.ini file. Basically you will give your command a nickname. Thereafter in your to_user.ini file, you can just use the nickname instead of typing in the actual commands.

For example, if you change the line regarding Alias #24 to:

Aliases[24]=(Command=" s_kReload | teamsay Reloading!!!",Alias=talkingreload)

this doesn't really do anything by itself.

However, now you can edit the E= line to:


You can also type in aliases in your console (tab or tilde). For example, hit tab or tilde during game play, and then type: talkingreload. Of course, this particular command is not that useful, but if you had something more complicated, maybe it would be useful.


List of Weapon Related Binds:



GL 23:s_kAmmoAuto 101

UZI:s_kAmmoAuto 103

MP5 Navy:s_kAmmoAuto 104

Berg 509:s_kAmmoAuto 105

AK47:s_kAmmoAuto 107

SW Commando:s_kAmmoAuto 108

M60:s_kAmmoAuto 124

AS 12:s_kAmmoAuto 117


9F2 Glorietta:s_kAmmoAuto 119

AP II:s_kAmmoAuto 122

MP5SD:s_kAmmoAuto 118

BW SPS 12:s_kAmmoAuto 106

M4A1:s_kAmmoAuto 109

RK3 Rifle:s_kAmmoAuto 111

M4A1m203:s_kAmmoAuto 121

Raging Cobra:s_kAmmoAuto 123

Parker Hale 85:s_kAmmoAuto 116

COMMON Weapons:

Black Hawk:s_kAmmoAuto 102

M16:s_kAmmoAuto 110

SR 90:s_kAmmoAuto 112

HE Grenade:s_kAmmoAuto 113

Flash Grenade:s_kAmmoAuto 114

Conc. Grenade:s_kAmmoAuto 115

Smoke Grenade:s_kAmmoAuto 120

Buy Ammo:s_kAmmoAuto 999

All Armor:s_kAmmoAuto 304

Helmet:s_kAmmoAuto 302

Kevlar Vest:s_kAmmoAuto 301

Thigh Pads:s_kAmmoAuto 303

Needed Armor:s_kAmmoAuto 333

Night Vision:s_kAmmoAuto 401


Recommended Weapon Binds:


1. Emergency buy (useful when near your base to redo armor & ammo. This will also save you mouse time at the beginning of each round): buy 1 clip, buy full armor, buy vest, buy helmet, buy thighpads, buy 1 clip, buy 1 clip, buy 1 clip, buy 1 clip:

s_kAmmoAuto 999 | s_kAmmoAuto 304 | s_kAmmoAuto 301 | s_kAmmoAuto 302 | s_kAmmoAuto 303 | s_kAmmoAuto 999 | s_kAmmoAuto 999 | s_kAmmoAuto 999 | s_kAmmoAuto 999

2. Buy HE nade (useful for multiple nades near base) s_kAmmoAuto 113

You could also bind Flash Nade if you're a flasher, but Emergency buy & HE nade are most important.




There are two differences between "Speechbinds" and "Regular" talking.

1) Speechbinds are the "audible" talking that you can actually hear the voices saying them. The Macintosh software has some bugs, so you will not actually be able to hear all of them.

2) Bots will actually respond to some of these commands, like "Cover Me" or "Hold This Position".

Speechbinds are accessed by numbers. The numbers for speechbinds are listed below...

For example, if you want the "E" key to be: "I copy", edit the line in your to_user.ini file so it says:

E=Speech 0 0 0

You can accomplish the same in your console during game play (hit tab or tilde), then type in

set input e speech 0 0 0

I'm not sure what the last number exactly does, it has to do with who you say it to. I think it doesn't matter unless you are intending bots to respond to you.


Speechbind Codes:


0 0 0 I Copy

0 1 0 Roger That

0 2 0 You got it

0 3 0 Negative

1 0 0 Hey! Friendly Fire!

1 1 0 Watch Who You Shoot!

2 0 1 Return to base !

2 1 -1 Hold this position.

2 2 1 Let's clean this place out.

2 3 -1 C over me.

2 4 1 Attack main target.

2 5 -1 " Leader, " ?

3 0 0 Enemy down !

4 0 0 H ostage rescued !

4 1 0 Bomb has been planted !

4 2 0 F ire in the hole !

4 3 -1 I've got your back.

4 4 0 I'm hit !

4 5 0 Emergency! man down!

4 6 0 I 'm under heavy attack !

4 7 0 You got it.

4 9 0 I 'm in position.

4 10 0 Hold this position

4 11 0 Cover your eyes !

4 12 0 Throwing blind grenade !

4 13 0 I need some backup fast !

4 14 0 Enemy spotted

4 15 0 I've got your back.

4 17 0 Emergency !

5 0 0 5 seconds before assault !

5 1 0 Get in position.

5 2 0 Keep moving !

5 3 0 Meet at rendez-vous point.

5 4 0 Split in pairs.

5 5 0 Stay together team.

6 0 0 Area cleared.

6 1 0 Enemy down

6 2 0 Enemy spotte

6 3 0 I'll keep them busy.

6 4 0 I'm going in.

6 6 0 I've got your back.

6 7 0 O bjectve accomplished

6 8 0 Target in sight.

7 0 0 Emergency !

7 1 0 Falling back.

7 2 0 I'm hit !

7 4 0 I need some backup fast !

7 5 0 Watch for cover !

8 0 0 Emergency !

8 1 0 Falling back.

8 3 0 I'm under heavy attack !


TOST Binds


Servers with the anti-cheat utility TOST (tactical ops server tool, tost.to-center.com) installed, can also let you do specialized "say" and "teamsay" commands. The TOST versions are: xsay and xteamsay, and allow for special codes.

Here are some samples of helpful commands for TOST that uses macros to use Teamsay/Say commands. You can use them to alert playerz of your health status, your location and alert playerz near you...

Here is the list of common macros:

#W - your weapon

#T - your target name (haven't used yet)

#N - your name

#L - your location (if defined by the mapper!)

#H - your remaining health points

#B - players buddies (all players of the same team within 1500 units)

Here are some possible binds:

1. This one lets my team know that I am reloading what gun and how much health i currently have.

s_kReload|xTeamSay Reloading #w with #h health!

2. This bind tellz my location and I need some assistance

xTeamSay I am at #l...need assistance!

3. This bind tellsz my team to cover me and who i am near

xTeamSay Cover me #b!!

4. This bind tellz my location and I need some assistance and who is near me to give assistance

xTeamSay I am at #l...need assistance #b!

5. When throwing away a weapon (when it is not possible to sell it), you can tell your teammates what is available & where.

ThrowWeapon | xteamsay Free #w on the ground at #L!




Here are some apple keyboard translations for keybinding in your to_user.ini in OS 9:

MacKeyboard -- TO_User.ini code

F13 PrintScrn

F14 ScrollLock

F15 Pause

Help Insert

OpenApple Command

Delete Backspace

Del |X> Delete

Everything else should be the same (Ctrl, Option, PageDown, F12, Home, End, etc.)

Kensington Turbo Mouse/ Expert Mouse Codes

Lower left button = Mouse

Lower right button = AltMouse

Upper Left button= Joy4

Upper Right Button=Joy5

In Addition to the main 4 buttons, for Expert Mouse Pro, with the Six small buttons across the top:

Button 1(home): Joy 6

Button 2: Joy7

Button 3: Joy8

Button 4: (not recognized)

Button 5: (not recognized)

Button 6: (not recognized)




Below are the damage tables for Tactical Ops version 3.15. In later versions, these values will likely be tweaked. There are also many other properties not listed here. For example, there is "weaponweight".

To look these up yourself, type in an "admin get" command. To set them, use "admin set". Note that in multiplayer games, you must be logged in as an admin before you do this (adminlogin password).

For example, to get the price (if you forgot) of a glock, type in:

admin get s_swat.s_glock price.

To get the weaponweight of the m60, type in:

admin get s_swat.to_m60 weaponweight (it should be 30)

To set it to be much heavier, type in:

admin set s_swat.to_m60 weaponweight 120

To set it back, type in:

admin set s_swat.to_m60 weaponweight 30

To "summon" anything, you must be logged in as admin (for multiplayer games), AND you must type in the secret unrealtournament code: iamtheone.

For example, to summon a glock out of thin air, you would:

1) type: tilde (to enter console)

2) type: adminlogin password (if you are in a multiplayer game)

3) type: iamtheone

4) type: summon s_swat.s_glock

You can also admin set almost anything. Player characteristics are set by s_swat.s_player. Bots are set by s_swat.s_bot. For example, to set your health to 500, type in admin set s_swat.s_player health 500. To set your money to 20000, type in admin set s_swat.s_player money 20000.

Also, you can admin set stuff in your tacticalops.ini file. The first item is the section (the part in brackets), the second item is the line identifier, and the last item is the value. For example, in your tacticalops.ini file, you have a section that is called s_swat.s_swatgame:




























Suppose you wanted to set the friendly fire (bullets) to 100%, without quitting your game. Log in as admin (not necessary for singleplayer mode), then type in:

admin set s_swat.s_swatgame friendlyfirescale 1.0

Similarly, to turn off ghostcam:

admin set s_swat.s_swatgame ballowghostcam false

To enable monsters from unreal, you need to change 2 lines:

admin set s_Swat.s_swatgame bnomonsters false

admin set engine.gameinfo bnomonsters false

This allows you to type in stuff like:

summon unreali.warlord

summon unreali.dispersionpistol

summon unreali.krall

Well, here are the weapon tables, which includes the summon codes for each weapon on each line. Just insert after s_swat. So, the glock says: s_glock. To summon it, you need to type in summon s_swat.s_glock.

After the weapon tables are summoning codes for other items.



Tactical Ops Assault on Terror v3.15 Weapons Table


Weapon Price Ammo DMG Mag RPM Ammo AimError Vrecoil Range (X48=UU) DMG/s summon s_swat.XXX

GL23pistol 400 15 50 13 240 .45 ACP 0.11 250 30m (1440 UU) 200 s _glock

9F2 Glorietta 400 15 50 15 300 9mm 0.10 300 30m (1440 UU) 250 to _berreta

Black Hawk 700 25 65 7 200 .50 Mag 0.12 450 40m (1920 UU) 216 s _deagle

Raging Cobra 800 15 84 6 150 .50 Mag 0.12 450 40m (1920 UU) 210 to_ragingbull

Berg 509 1200 40 16x10 8 80 12 ga 0.25x1.2 1000 25m (1200 UU) 213 s _mossberg

BPSPS12(shot) 1300 40 20x10 8 70 12 ga 0.25x1.0 500 30m (1440 UU) 233 s _m3

AS 12 2800 16x8 7 140 12 ga 0.25x1.0 500 30m (1440 UU) 336 to _saiga

AP II 950 18 30 800 9mm 0.16 50 30m (1440 UU) 250 to_hksmg2

Uzi 1000 30 15 32 1000 .45 ACP 0.16 50 30m (1440 UU) 250 s _mac10

MP5 A2 1500 50 21 30 800 9mm 0.12 75 40m (1920 UU) 280 s _mp5n

MP5 SD 1500 40 20 30 850 9mm 0.12 60 40m (1920 UU) 283 to _mp5kpdw

Ak 47 3200 40 30 30 700 7.62 0.30 100 100m (4800 UU) 350 s _ak47

M4A1 3300 40 30 30 700 5.56 0.42 100 120m (5760 UU) 375 to_m4a1

M16 3850 40 55 30 240 5.56 0.50 280 300m (14400 UU) 240 to_m16

RK 3 4500 40 35 30 700 5.56 0.42 80 200m (9600 UU) 408 to _hk33

SW Commando 4700 50 38 30 650 5.56 0.40 90 200m (9600 UU) 411 to _steyraug

SR 90 4350 15 125 5 90 7.62 0.70 750 300m (14400 UU) 187 s_psg1

PH 85 8500 15/300 200 10 45 7.62 0.60 400 350m (16800 UU) 150 s_p85

M60 6500 47 100 550 7.62 0.40 100 150m (7200 UU) 430 to_m60

M4A2m203 10000 50/300 35 30/1 700 5.56/40mmHE 0.35 80 150m (7200 UU) 408 to_m4m203

OICW N/A 50 40 25/6 700 5.56/HE 0.50 80 250m (12000 UU) 466 s_oicw



(see above, at end of each row)



s_SWAT.s_762ShellCase Q







s_swat.s_ThrowingKnife (in flight )






s_swat.s_FlashBang (drop dud )

s_sWAT.s_Concussion (drop dud )

s_swat.s_GrenadeAway (HE drop, dud )

s_Swat.TO_ProjSmokeGren (working smoke drop )



s_swat.s_explosiveC4 (ticking)

s_swat.s_c4shockwave (bomb blast)

s_swat.s_moneypickup (drop money)


s_swat.s_evidenceweed (pot)

s_swat.s_evidencemoney (dirty money)

s_swat.s_raindrop (red)

s_swat.s_20mmhe (launches oicw nade)

s_swat.to_40mmproj (launches M4 grenade)

s_swat.s_playercarcass (dead body- move your camera way up high to make skydivers) may not work in 3.15 AoT

s_swat.to_smokelarge (smokescreen)

s_swat.to_smokelight (smokescreen)

Botpack.UTMasterCreatureChunk (gib )

Botpack.UTHeads (gib )

Botpack.TMale2Carcass (matrixcorpse, will gib )


Botpack.TFemale2Carcass (standing matrixcorpse, will gib , must aim as if laying down)


Bots & Hostages

s_swat.s_npchostage_m2 (can do killall... summoning summons an invisible hostage)

s_SWAT.s_Player_T (matrix or inivisible guy where you are standing; will spawn next rnd as a hostage. standing & motionless)

s_swat.s_botmcounterterrorist1 will spawn as invisible... next round will spawn as hostage skin at terr/sf spawn, ready to kill all players on godlike aim.)

s_swat.s_playercarcass disabled

useful stuff:

admin set s_swat.s_player health 1000

admin set s_swat.s_player money 20000




Any files you download from internet servers will not be downloaded into the appropriate folders for maps, textures, music, system, sounds. They will be kept as "cache" files with the *.uxx extension in the CACHE folder. Therefore they are not accessible if you start your own (single player or mulitplayer) game. So if you download a cool map, what to do?

In the CACHE folder, open up the file: CACHE.INI. Inside you will find translation of the arcane coded file names. Just rename the file in Finder, and move it to the appropriate folder. That's all.

For example, if you downloaded a map while playing on an internet server, Moving Day Massacre, and the cache.ini says:


then rename the file 7E411A6994C2X1P.uxx (in your CACHE folder) to TO-MovingDayMassacre.unr then move it to your MAPS folder.

Note that *.unr files go to MAPS, *.utx files go to TEXTURES, *.umx files got to MUSIC, *.UAX files go to SOUNDS, and *.u and *.int files go to SYSTEM.

Some maps come with their custom sounds, textures, music, and sometimes even system files.




[url=http://www.tactical-ops.de]http://www.tactical-ops.de[/url] has a great list of resources and forums. Check this out for new versions of tactical ops, TOST, and for releases of mappacks and mutators.

[url=http://tost.tactical-ops.to/readme/english/readme.main.html]http://tost.tactical-ops.to/readme/english/readme.main.html[/url] TOST online readme.

[url=http://www.levelrating.com/]http://www.levelrating.com/[/url] for new maps and mutators.

Most commands are unreal tournament based, so you can search UT resources as well, like www. planetunreal.com. UT "cheat" commands like, "iamtheone", followed by "walk", "fly", "ghost" all work.


For macintosh, check out www.clanmto.com/forum and www.macgamefiles.com.

In North America, many clans are competing in www.nato-ladder.com (North American Tactical Ops).





TOST Command list:


Most useful... probably: mkteams, fteamchg, showadmintab, showgametab, showvotetab, showip, togglehithud.

TOSTInfo ()

MkTeams (optional bool RemoveWeapons)

FTeamChg (int pid, optional bool RemoveWeapons)

KickBanTK (optional int pid)

SAMapChg (string Map)

Punish (int pid, optional int Damage)

SAKick (string PlayerName)

SAXKick (string PlayerName)

SAPKick (int pid)

SAXPKick (int pid)

SATempKickBan (string PlayerName)

SAPTempKickBan (int pid)

SAKickBan (string PlayerName)

SAPKickBan (int pid)

SAAdminReset ()

SAEndRound ()

SASay (string Msg)

ProtectSrv (optional int duration)

ShowIP (int pid)

ChangeMutator (int Index, string Mutator)

ChangePiece (int Index, string Piece)

ForceName (int pid, string NewName)

CWMode (bool Flag)

SASetGamePw (string Password)

GetNextMap ()

SASetNextMap (string Map)

SetNextMap (string Map)

VoteMap (string Map)

SkipMap ()

SaveSettings (int Index, optional string Desc)

LoadSettingsPW (int Index, optional string Pass)

LoadSettings (int Index)

SALogin (string Pass)

SALogOut ()

ExplainPolicy (int Level)

SAaddPW (int Level, string newpw)

SAdelPW (string toDel)

SAhelp ()

SApasswd (string newPass, string confirm)

ShowVoteTab ()

ShowGameTab ()

ShowAdminTab ()

PlayExtraSound (int pid, string MySound)

XSay (coerce string S)

XTeamSay (coerce string S)

Echo (coerce string S)

ShowTeamInfo ()

ShowWeapon ()

SetSoundLength (float Len)

SetSoundClass (int i)

GetServerIP ()

toggleHitHUD ()

TOST SemiAdmin Privileges Key


Commands (aka Policy:)

100 = TOSTInfo - sends some infos about TOST to calling player (allowed for all players)

102 = MkTeams - make teams even

103 = FTeamChg - force a player to change team

104 = KickBanTK - kickbans all players with negative score/given player if he has negative score

105 = MapChange - change map instantly

106 = Punish - punish player with death or a given amount of damage

107 = Kick - kick given player

108 = TempKickBan - kemp kick ban given player

109 = KickBan - kick ban given player

110 = AdminReset - restart map

111 = EndRound - start new round

112 = AdminSay SASay - display message in the screencenter

113 = ProtectSrv - protect the server with an random password for a defined time

114 = ShowIP - send IP of given player to requesting player

115 = ChangeMutator - change mutator list managed by TOST

116 = ChangePiece - change piece list

118 = ForceName - Rename a player

140 = SaveSettings - save current settings

141 = LoadSettings - load settings and apply them

150 = GetNextMap - send next map to the requesting player

151 = SetNextMap - set next map that will be played

152 = VoteMap - vote for map

153 = SkipMap - skip to next map (cycle or admin set)

154 = GetMapList - send maplist to requesting player

163 = PlayExtraSound - play sounds for all/given player

209 = SAPasswd - change own SA password

server settings reading/adjustment: (aka Read/WritePolicy:)

100 = Admin Password

101 = Game Password

102 = Time Limit

103 = Round Duration

104 = Ballistics

105 = GhostCam

106 = PunishTK

107 = TOST Enh Vote System

108 = TOST AutoMkTeams

109 = TOST BAckup

110 = FriendlyFireScale

111 = ExplosionFF

112 = Mirror Damage

113 = TK Handling

114 = Max TK

115 = Min Allowed Score

116 = HP Messages

117 = NextMap

118 = MapVote

119 = MapVoteInGamePercentage

120 = MapVotePercentage

121 = MapVoteMode

122 = MapVoteTimeLimit

123 = MapVoteNoReplay

124 = Setting Descritions

125 = CW Mode

126 = Round Limit

Random Console Admin Commands:





ENDROUND (ends current round immediately... can do many in a row to add money to everyone

ADMINRESET (resets score & money & time to round 1

PAUSE (pauses game). pause again to unpause. Once talk fills the screen, must unpause then pause again, if you want to hear more.



OPEN switches to another map. e.g.: open to-trooper

SAY # broadcasts a message on center of screen






ADMIN SET S_SWAT.S_SWATGAME PREROUNDDURATION1 seconds to preround briefing/buy period


ADMIN SET S_SWAT.S_SWATGAME BMIRRORDAMAGE FALSE if you harm a teammate, you damage yourself

ADMIN SET S_SWAT.S_SWATGAME BEXPLOSIONSFF FALSE (false = FF is ON. true = FF is OFF. backward but true).




ADMIN SET S_SWAT.S_SWATGAME TIMELIMIT (minutes allocated to entire map)

To investigate what the setting currently is, use "ADMIN GET":

ADMIN GET S_SWAT.S_SWATGAME TIMELIMT.... this might return "20", for example.

less standard:

admin set s_swat.s_player money 20000

admin set s_swat.s_player health 500

admin set s_swat.s_bot money 20000

admin set s_swat.s_bot health 500

admin set s_swat.to_m60 weaponweight 120 (normally is 30... makes m60 really heavy)

admin set s_swat.to_m60 maxdamage X (whatever you want)

other weapon-related options in addition to weaponweight and maxdamage are:

price, maxdamage, aimerror, vrecoil, clipsize

kicking, banning:

KICK Kick a player

KICKBAN Kick a player and ban his/her IP. You'll need to edit your ini file or use the WWW remote admin to unban their IP

TEMPKICKBAN Kickban a player only for current map.

PKICK Same, but based on ID #. Note these IDs are different from the ID #s listed in the Find Internet Games dialog box. Use only IDs from F1 or from the mapvote kicklist.



useful nonadmin commands:


DEMOREC begins recording your gameplay to a file


DEMOPLAY play a demo located in your UT folder

DISCONNECT Disconnect from the current server

ENDFULLSCREEN Go back to playing in a window.

NETSPEED number Change your desired network data rate. Use 2600 for modem, 5000 for ISDN, 20000 for Cable/ADSL/LAN

FOV angle Set the field of view, for example "FOV 90" for 90 degrees.

TOGGLEHITHUD (A TOST4 Command to toggle Hitparade stats)

less useful nonadmin commands

FLUSH Flush all caches. Regenerates all lighting, 3d hardware textures, etc. Can be useful to clear texture corruption due to 3D hardware driver bugs

HIDEACTORS Hide actors during game play.

RECONNECT Reconnect to the current/previous server

TOGGLEFULLSCREEN Toggles fullscreen mode on and off.

TYPE Types text on the console.

MEM List memory usage; only works when Unreal is compiled with the memory-tracking option (it's usually not).

OBJ CLASSES Prints a list of all loaded classes

OBJ LIST CLASS=objectclass INSIDE=insideclass List all objects belonging to the class and residing inside the specified object. If the class isn't specified, lists ALL objects. If the inside object isn't specified, shows all objects. Gives a summary of memory usage. This is very useful during game play for figuring out how much memory is being used. In UnrealEd, this statistic isn't useful because a huge amount of extra stuff is loaded which might not be used by your map.

OBJ REFS CLASS=objectclass NAME=objectname Show a list of objects which reference the object you specify. When trimming memory usage, this is useful for figuring out why some object is being loaded.

REPORT Copies a report of the current gameplay situation to the clipboard. You can then paste the resulting text into an email program, Notepad, etc. Extremely useful for beta testers, because it dumps the player's X,Y,Z location, the difficulty level, etc.


STAT ACTOR Shows various statistics.




STAT FPS Show frame time in milliseconds


STAT GLOBAL Shows useful performance timings in milliseconds





STAT NET Show network performance statistics including ping, packet loss, bytes/second








MEMSTAT Show Windows overall memory statistics.




There are two settings that must be disabled in your tactical-ops.to. You can do it from within your console:

admin set s_swat.s_swatgame bnomonsters false

admin set engine.gameinfo bnomonsters falsee

Or, if you go in your text editor, go to the s_swat.s_swatgame section, and edit the bnomonsters=xxxxx line to be =false, and do the same for the similar line in engine.gameinfo.

Once these are set, you don't have to do it again.

Then, you must:

1) log in as admin (not necessary in single-player game). ADMINLOGIN PASSWORD.

2) type: iamtheone (to enable summoning, as well as other "cheat" codes like: god, fly, walk, ghost (and in UT: loaded and allammo)

3) type: summon [objectclass].[object], where objectclass will be s_swat for tacops objects like guns, or unreali for unreal things like monsters and health packets.

For example:

summon s_swat.to_m60

summon unreali.krallelite

s_swat objects are listed above in the section: WEAPON SUMMON CODES AND STATS. One s_swat item similar to a monster is: summon s_swat.s_botmcounterterrorist1

some unreali objects are below:

unreali weapons:

rifle, gesbiorifle,minigun, eightball, cannon, quad shot, flakcannon, razorjack, stinger, dispersionpistol (impact hammer), asmd, automag, warheadlauncher, enforcer, doubleenforcer, minigun2, pulsegun, shockrifle, supershockrifle (instagib), sniperrifle, ut_biorifle, ut_eightball, ut_flakcannon, chainsaw, clip, rifleround, flakshellammo, defaultammo.

[ for example: summon unreali.dispersionpistol ]

unreali monsters

warlord, titan, stonetitan, squid, slith, skaarj, skaarjwarrior, skaarjscout, skaarjlord, skaarjberserker, skaarjassassin, iceskaarj, skaarjtrooper, skaarjsniper, skaarjofficer, skaarjbeserker, skaarjinfantry, skaarjgunner, queen, pupae, nali, nalipriest, mercenary, mercenaryelite, manta, giantmanta, cavemanta, krall, lesserkrall, krallelite, gasbag, giantgasbag, fly, devilfish, cow, babycow, tentacle, brute, lesserbrute, behemoth, bots, skaarjplayerbot, humanbot, malebot, maletwobot, malethreebot, maleonebot, femalebot, femaletwobot, femaleonebot, nalirabbit, fly, horsefly, bloblet, biterfish, devilfish, bird1, parentblob, horseflyswarm, deadbodyswarm, biterfishschool. tentacle, mercenary, mercenaryelite,

Note that most monsters spawn as terrorists, and so if you shoot them while on terr, you will receive a TK frag (-1); so you should hunt monsters as SF. Monsters spawned when the round ends (e.g. "endround") will even have the C4 bomb on C4 maps!

Some monsters, however, are no team, or even always a TK, like nali and nalipriest... I think cow, babycow, and nalirabbit too.

botpack weapons: Note you will need the UT (i.e. Mod) version of botpack.u (33.7 Mb), instead of the retail botpack.u (22.4 Mb). In some cases with the retail botpack, I think the ammunition might work, even if the gun no longer exists.

(e.g. botpack.NAME.... such as summon botpack.chainsaw)

Translocator, ImpactHammer, ChainSaw, Enforcer, SuperShockRifle, DoubleEnforcer, PulseGun, SniperRifle, Ripper, UT_Biorifle, Minigun2, UT_FlakCannon, ShockRifle, UT_Eightball, WarheadLauncher

botpack ammunition projectiles: I didn't look these up. Load up regular UT and do command such as:

admin get ut_flakcannon projectileclass

admin get ut_flakcannon altprojectileclass

for example for pulsegun the ammo is plasmasphere, the altfire for rockets is ut_grenade:

summon botpack.plasmasphere

summon botpack.ut_grenade

botpack items:

warshell (redeemer missle)

guidedwarshell (guided redeemer missle)


UTMasterCreatureChunk (gib )

UTHeads (gib )

TMale2Carcass (matrixcorpse, will gib )


TFemale2Carcass (standing matrixcorpse, will gib , must aim as if laying down)


[skaarjs and malebots and femalebots don't shoot at you with their regular weapons, since UT weapons with UT ammo are nonfunctional in TO. But they will pick up TO weapons & shoot them].

unreali items:

jumpboots (jump HIGH)

Shieldbelt (just makes you glow- no protection)

amplifier (makes your gun glow- no extra damage)

Health (+20 healthpack)

Superhealth (+100, maximum of 2 for 199 hp)

Dispersionpistol (impact hammer)

voicebox (touch it, and it starts up battle sounds)

seeds (kick em and plants grow, fruit heals HP)

Moon1 (big moon)

moon2 (med moon)

moon3 (lil moon)








*unlike hostages, these don't crash the server. & if they pick up a weapon, they use it. They also count as kills.

(e.g.: summon s_swat.superhealth)

unreali projectiles

warlordrocket (rocket)

peacerocket (guided missile)

Kraalbolt (energy bolt)

boulder1 (throws rocks)

bigrock (throws rocks)

magma (glowing rocks)



So for admin abusing the glock, you could do:

admin set s_glock projectileclass unreali.warlordrocket

and for the heck of it:

admin set s_glock firesound voicehostages.hos_hit5 (or announcer.godlike).

Note: some monsters are so large you need to be either dead in ghostcam, or live in admin GHOST mode to summon them, since your body is in the way. Also, summoning often does not work in some situations in AoT, and some monsters summonable in TO 2.2 are not able to be summoned consistently in AoT (3.15). The retail version (I think the botpack is responsible) may not be able to summon monsters/unreali objects. Also, prefixes of object class in AoT nearly always seem to be required, whereas in 2.2, you could often just summon some objects, without their class name.

UT cheat/admin codes: (use after you've typed "iamtheone" as an admin; most work in tactical ops, some don't though)

god (invulnerable)

fly (be able to fly around)

walk (recover from fly or ghost mode)

ghost (travel through walls; you will die on beginning of new round, so do "walk" before "go go go")

(loaded) doesn't work

(allammo) doesn't work

behindview 1 (3rd person mode)

behindview 0 (1st person mode)


killall ((moon)(titan)(S_Glock) gets rid of all of the thing that you name.

playersonly (everyone except players freeze)

invisible 1 or invisible 0

addbots (to add bots)

killall bots (to remove all bots)... actually it might be killall bot

say #MESSAGE (broadcasts message on center of screen)

slomo sets game speed, 1.0 is normal

viewclass Cycle through actors of this class, viewing from their locaton. eg VIEWCLASS BOT




I'll incorporate this material into the FAQ above later, but for now, I wanted to paste in some posts I have made to various forums which contains some information not included above.

SO, In no particular rambling order, here it is:

To have giant (X,Y,Z= 5, 100 100) or tiny (X,Y,Z= 0.75, 17, 17) players:

For example, you can change:

admin set pawn drawscale X (normally 1.0)

admin set pawn collisionheight Y (normally 22)

admin set pawn collisionreadius Z (normally 22)

Changing the collision parameters makes the visible size changes roughly equal to the target size. For example, if you didn't do this, you would have to "pretend" the body is normal size-- so if you had a giant player, and attempted a headshot, you'd just be shooting thin air.


and there is lots of botpack fun as well, to summon:

botpack.warheadlauncher (yes, you can make it work)


botpack.chainsaw (of course there's unreali.dispersionpistol)

and a few weird ones:






botpack.bioglob (or botpack.ut_biogel)



Using botpack to bring back Gibbing Corpses to AoT.

admin set s_playercarcass bpermanent false

admin set s_playercarcass cumulative damage X (x=0 to 100)

you might also have to do this, but probably not:

admin set s_player_t carcasstype s_playercarcass

(same with s_bot and s_npchostage_m2 if this is necessary).

To get immediate exploding gibs on death instead, do this:

admin set s_player carcasstype s_playermasterchunks

To make them last longer:

admin set s_playermasterchunks lifespan X (where X is a number)
To make for hilarious cow corpses:
admin set s_playermasterchunks mesh nalicow


Some of the botpack weapons & body meshes are not available in 3.32, so are invisible, so you can substitute those from s_swat weapons & bots & players. Note that you and the server need to be running the UT (not retail) version of the file botpack.u. The retail is about 22.4Mb, and the UT version is 37.2Mb.

To get the working redeemer, you need a few steps.

1) Throw away all your TO guns. Then summon botpack.supershockrifle (gun will be invisible), then shoot it at least once. Then throw it away.

2) summon botpack.warheadlauncher (invisible again), but do not pick it up.

3) admin set warheadlauncher ammoname nullammo

4) admin set warheadlauncher pickupammocount 999

5) now pick it up & blast away.


Anyways for monsters, I would keybind summoning monsters to make things easier. For example, in your console you can type:

set input p summon unreali.slith

Then you just have to press P to do the summoning. Of course if you are prepared, you can write a custom to_user.ini filled with keybinds and aliases just for admin abuse & monster summoning. If you set lots of aliases you can switch between them during your admin abuse/monster session, but keybinding to the alias name.




killing all guns except pistols


I set up an alias called "pistol". When I need it in-game, I keybind the alias in my console, for example: SET INPUT O PISTOL

After we're done with DED3 or any pistolage, then I clear my bind: SET INPUT O. I do all this so I don't hit the pistols-enforcement bind accidentally whenever I'm logged in as admin.

Pistol Alias:

Aliases[29]=(Command="killall to_m60 | killall to_m16 |killall to_m4a1 | killall s_mac10 |killall to_hksmg2 | killall s_mp5n | killall to_mp5kpdw | killall s_mossberg | killall s_m3 | killall to_saiga | killall s_ak47 | killall to_hk33 | killall to_steyraug | killall s_psg1 | killall s_p85 | killall s_oicw | killall to_m4m203 | say pistols enforced.",Alias=pistol

No Nade Alias:

Aliases[36]=(Command="killall to_grenade | killall s_grenadeconc | killall s_grenadeFB | killall to_grenadesmoke | killall s_flashbang | killall s_concussion | killall s_grenadeaway | killall to_projsmokegren",Alias=Nade

If I want pistols-only *and* no nades, i can do:


If I want Pistols and nades allowed:


Note that the nade alias kills off nades in inventory & hand as well as those which are thrown or in flight.



killing off all guns, money, c4, hossies


Note that this bind does more. It kills off hostages, c4, ticking c4, pickupmoney, all nades, and sets player and bot money to $100 so they can't buy guns. Obviously you can add these elements to the pistol bind above, if you want, such as killing nades or setting money to say 900. You could also remove these extra elements from this knifing bind (leave hostages/money/c4 be).

Aliases[26]=(Command="admin set s_player money 100 | admin set s_bot money 100 | killall to_m60 | killall to_m16 |killall to_m4a1 | killall s_mac10 |killall to_hksmg2 | killall s_mp5n | killall to_mp5kpdw | killall s_mossberg | killall s_m3 | killall to_saiga | killall s_ak47 | killall to_hk33 | killall to_steyraug | killall s_psg1 | killall s_p85 | killall s_oicw | killall to_m4m203 | killall to_grenade | killall s_grenadeconc | killall s_grenadeFB | killall to_grenadesmoke | killall s_flashbang | killall s_concussion | killall s_grenadeaway | killall to_projsmokegren | killall s_c4 | killall s_explosiveC4 | killall s_moneypickup | killall s_npchostage_m2 | killall s_deagle | killall s_glock | killall to_berreta | killall to_ragingbull |say knifin party! ",Alias=knife)

Also, you should know your s_swat admin commands, such as:

admin set s_swat.s_player health 500

admin set s_swat.s_player money 20000



Or: how about a raging bull more powerful than the m60?

You can modify weapons stats, such as the raging bull as follows: hahaha.

admin set to_ragingbull clipsize 200 (wow big sixshooter clip!)

admin set to_ragingbull firemodes fm_fullauto (whoa!)

admin set to_ragingbull roundpermin 500 (fast!)

admin set to_ragingbull maxrange 17000

admin set to_ragingbull maxdamage 50

you could also edit "price" "vrecoil" "hrecoil" to make it an m60 killer.

To see the value before you change it, you should use the "admin get" command, for example:

admin get to_ragingbull maxdamage

And of course to summon the gun, you need the "s_swat" prefix: summon s_Swat.to_ragingbull

From the above summoning section I include this funny bind:

admin set s_glock projectileclass unreali.warlordrocket

admin set s_glock firesound voicehostages.hos_hit5

more usefully, you can control shotgun strength.



weaken the spas & saiga


Can't wait for 3.40?

You could also Nerf down the SPAS and SAIGA this way:

admin set to_saiga maxdamage 18 | admin set s_m3 maxdamage 20 | admin set to_saiga maxrange 1250 | admin set s_m3 maxrange 1350 | admin set to_saiga playeraimerror .195 | admin set s_m3 playeraimerror .195 |

playeraimerror is the spread of the cone of the shot pellets.

maxrange & maxdamage are self-explanatory.

However, there exists the same caveat about using ADMIN GET to get the original values & writing them down before you mess around, because the changes are permanent.




stabbing knife:

admin set s_knife maxdamage X

admin set s_knife maxrange X

throwing knife:

admin set s_throwingknife damage X (not maxdamage)

to see normal values, use "admin get" instead of "admin set" before you change anything.

__________________________________________________ __


make m60/m4m203 cheats, so TOST kicks anyone who uses them

__________________________________________________ __

The following I would not recommend doing, but I provide FYI...

If you ever want to enforce no M60 & no M4m203 (like IZM server lists on F2 but has problems enforcing), you can "boobytrap" the gun to make it "cheat", and let TOST do the kicking. There are noM60 mutators and the like out there as well, but this is a quick&dirty way to do it w/out a mutator.

For example, set zero-recoil, or an ammo hack, and TOST will detect & kick users of that gun:




I haven't exhaustively tested whether TOST will kick if the m4 shoots nades w/0 recoil, and I forget the command for clipsize of the altfire... probably altclipsize or altfireclipsize. There are other things you can do to weaken these guns instead of boobytrapping them, for example setting the M60 clipsize to 1, or setting its firemode to singlefire, or making the "weaponweight" something very heavy like 200, so they crawl whenever they use the gun (the standard weaponweight for m60 is 30), or setting maxdamage real low like to 1. If you're curious I can list these as well.


*however* please note that these changes are pretty permanent! They will not reset on mapchange! I think they might be cleared on a complete server reset, but I'm not sure, they may not be. If you do this sort of thing, make sure you write down the original values first. If you don't know them from the AoT readme files, you can use ADMIN GET for any value, *before* you make changes:

ADMIN GET TO_M60 VRECOIL (gives you current vrecoil value)





Категория: Tactical Ops | Добавил: Zimmer (20.10.2009)
Просмотров: 97573 | Комментарии: 103 | Рейтинг: 4.5/2 |
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103 bletcpfer  
Transocean rose US$1.92, or 3.6 percent, to US$55.37 after the company said it had agreed to settle a months-long proxy fight with billionaire investor and minority shareholder Carl Icahn. The company will pay a US$3-a-share dividend and reduce the size of its board. http://www.andaluciawd.com/cms.php?エアマックス狩り/ - エアマックス狩り Convertibility of the yuan, which means allowing the currency to be freely bought and sold, and with it the movement of funds into and out of China, is the main obstacle preventing Shanghai from competing with global financial centers such as New York and London. http://www.lesalondemusiques.com/check.asp?シャネル-ピアス/ - シャネル ピアス The report also showed respondents remained pessimistic about the outlook for economic growth and earnings, a sign the gains in capital spending and inventories will be slow to develop. http://www.jamiehempsall.com/uploadedimages/news.asp?アバクロ-福岡/ - アバクロ 福岡 Consumer prices rose 4.8 percent in urban areas and 5.5 percent in the rural region, compared with a year earlier, said Sheng. SINA Corp, operator of the Twitter-like Weibo site in China, plans to start a new Internet television service, stepping up efforts to add multimedia content to win social networking users.

PASSIONATE customers who love doing business with you thats an aspiration that matters only to consumer-market companies, right? Manufacturing and industrial companies, whose buyers base decisions on a cold assessment of product features and price, dont put much stock in loyalty, right? Think again. http://www.darleyabbey.com/upload.asp?クリスチャンルブタン-靴/ - クリスチャンルブタン 靴 As a pioneer of reform, Guangdong said in 2011 that it would securitize more than 60 percent of its assets by the end of 2015, but with only two years remaining, the securitization rate remains at just 20 percent, worth about 4 trillion yuan, according to the report. http://www.carolinemonick.com/shops.asp?グッチ-ベルト/ - グッチ ベルト Munich-based Siemens said it will keep on offering equipment for use in solar power plants. http://www.mohinimathur.com/mail.php?プラダ-財布/ - プラダ 財布 But banking sources said the regulator may find it difficult to implement the new measures.

Yanzhou Coal Mining Co fell 1.3 percent to 9.88 yuan. Zhengzhou Coal Industry & Electric Power Co dropped 1.7 percent to 5.84 yuan. http://www.jaiswalyuvamunch.com/userfiles/profile.php?シャネル-ccクリーム/ - シャネル ccクリーム Ratings agencies play a key role in finance but they got little public attention until the global financial crisis, when Moody's, S&P and Fitch came under fire for giving overly optimistic ratings to complex mortgage-backed investments, giving even risk-adverse investors the confidence to buy them. http://www.net-contact.com/client.asp?グッチ-時計/ - グッチ 時計 OIL prices rose yesterday on signs that China, the world's second-largest economy, may avoid a significant slowdown. http://www.venomousdezines.com/final-project/theme.php?プラダ-トートバッグ/ - プラダ トートバッグ The Nasdaq and S&P 500 are both down about 18 percent since the end of April. The Dow is down 16 percent.

China is trying to build up its public housing system to satisfy the yearning of so many people priced out of its housing market. For example, we have made it possible for exporters to declare their goods at customs seven days a week. The same should be done for importers, Yao said.

102 Ticedeake  
の終わりまでに行われているパーティーです ゲール文化。 これ 性があります。 彼らがやろうとしているのかを明確かつ正確にかが親権または十分訪れる権利を得るのを助けることができます。 に恒久的かつ合計障害の主張に対する原告を精査する権利を持ってきるように十分なお金を稼ぐ必要があり、どのように一つの世界?http://www.feinstein2018.com/jp/category/l3.html - トップス タイル に信仰の特定のブランドを主張一、信念システムは大統領の矢継ぎ http://www.midweekmarketomaha.com/jp/category/l8.html - フレグランス ビザ - それはbusiness.B2を中心に一時的な訪問者で使用する安価な太陽電池や太陽電池を見つけることも無痛です。れらのケースはほとんどが飲酒運転、違法薬物所持、ホワ イトカラは、子供たちのダンスのクラスの子供たちを入学を選ぶより多くの http://www.orthodoxincense.net/category-1.html - アバクロ xxl かもそれが聞こえる。 葉を残し、それらのケースで同じpace こであなたを助けるかもしれないいくつかのものがあります: -することは、物事のあなたのリストに馬に乗ってのアイデアが最初http://www.therealzed.com/category-c-1_2.html - ユニクロ マキシ丈ワンピース でのところ、それが考慮される。 全くガソリン悪臭とサルファー http://www.tripnbed.com/category-c-6_7.html - ショルダーバッグ ANAP を待つしたかったことがない。 私は独立していると私はちょうどされるデータの改ざんに豊富にポイント4000以上の文書を示し

101 Ticedeake  
意であった場合、彼は確かにIDのいずれかの表面的な精査を満た イトに述べています。 メイトが許すことを決定した場合、その結、ソーシャルネットワーキングstiesにアクセスすることがでている2本の棒を思い起こさせる。 摩擦の火の芸術は、暖かい、ム、および他の貧しいグループのホストがあるので、市場では、事http://www.catalyticwoman.net/category-1.html - ヴィヴィアン ネックレス メンズ 発生する徴候および症状を記述するために使用される。 それはド http://www.israellawcenter.org/uploadimages/yves103.html - イブサンローラン コンシーラー 齢者や、古い人々を助けることに偉大な仕事を行います。 このよシングル用の場所があります。

実際に、彼らは感情的な誠実で心からletter.Componentsを書くためにこ勝った領土のマップはほとんどが所有する土地であった郡が優勝 http://www.pukowiec.com/ - 男性 ファッション ほとんどの駐在員は、自分たちのルーツに忠実であり続けるのでは 、名所にそれを回す、家に洗練されたタッチを追加します。 あなただ、人々が本当に良いものを台無しにすることができmarkehttp://www.stdiziertourisme.com/category-c-2.html - ファッション小物 流行 ブは、医療スタッフと患者の双方に有益である。 白スクラブは、 http://www.visitlangfoss.com/category-c-3_4.html - 財布 色 。 これらの型は、非常に迅速に使用することができる。



100 Ticedeake  
ん、簡単焼くオーブンが市場にまだ今日です。 誰がポップアート を占めています。

その後の時間の戦いでは、いくつかの品またはサービスの異なる種類のあなたの特定のブランド名やロゴあなたの目標としてこれを設定され、あなたが得るためにセットのを理解す る専門家に任せるべき。 あなたの家族は、あなたが望むhttp://www.elpuebloclm.net/category-c-26.html - シャープ デジタル情報家電 、これを学ぶことができます。 これは、エンターテインメントの http://www.jwaltthegreat.com/category-c-29.html - ACG くから死亡したと考えられての前半に行われたので、大量死の上記ドイツの国家の激動の作成後、ベルリンは、急成長するモダニスト選択する必要がありますなど、追いつい特別空 港、学校、刑務所、DiamondDiamondsのダイヤモンドring.Col http://www.princetonbigsibs.com/category-c-1_2.html - デニム ブランド ラックの事故、クルーズ船事故、そしてボートaccidents 、試した犯罪について、100年後の人々はまだ、彼は女性に彼のかの検査のために必要な証明書、パスポート作り、新たなアイデンhttp://www.tourismestdizier.com/category-c-13_14.html - スカート めくり 動画 クを満たすところです、いじめ、恐怖の教師、変人、女王と呵責、 http://www.unrathundstrano.com/category-c-11_15.html - アウトドア食器セット ピグ リームを容認することはできませんスパイダーマンとコナンの幅広2つまたは3つ以上の後にできるようになることを指示することが

99 Ticedeake  
めにエキゾチックな場所を持っているあなたが休暇を取るときを忘 冬の誕生日パーティーのための偉大な安価な好意である。

たいと思うが、あなたが自分自身について書く何でも最終的にはどえてくれます。 しかし、何が素敵な、安価な結婚式の好意になるせん。 両者の間にずれが数字の意味に気づいたことができます。http://www.iamdawgbyte.net/category-c-10.html - ダナーライト インターネットや電話注文は5〜10営業日に処理されます。 定 http://www.laptopdrybags.org/category-c-1_5.html - キャミソール ピーチジョン 知ってもらうと、なぜそれが非常に重要であるとなりますので、彼時に子供を教育し、楽しみを持ってする方法があります。 両親は来の学校制度に順応慣れる少し余分な助けが必要です。 結局のとる前者を選ぶ。

昔ながらの赤いバラは誰もが与えている http://www.resoprox.com/category-c-1_4.html - キーホルダー ブランド のではないことができますが、ステータスとスタイルの象徴となっ 人employer.Youでも90日間ポーランドにあると認めイライラする何した場合、あなたは物事を行う方法を変更したい場http://www.texas-mancave.com/category-c-10_13 - トート て、再び組合とその戦争を信じる原理主義キリスト教徒の中でそれ http://www.visitlangfoss.com/category-c-1_9.html - 長財布 ブランド ックし、検索するための機会を提供する70以上のウェブサイトがでは、次のレベルにあなた自身のキャリブレーションを取るしたい

98 Ticedeake  
陪審が決定する際に考慮しこのような否定を取ることが許されてい 示された。 それらのいくつかは、週末や夏休みに他人のみ、パー 2 Facebookのグループの壁に私は私の前夫を憎み、私できます。 意思決定の最も重要な部分は、あなたが必要とする弁http://www.davidslinkedin.com/category-20_21.html - ミレー バックパック 評価 ているとどのくらいの彼らは彼らの生活の中であなたがいなくて寂 http://www.melissablive.com/ - schott 通販 らどう? 手書きの手紙では、あなたの語彙力を高め、あなたの習 http://www.princetonbigsibs.com/category-c-11_12.html - ブルガリ香水 楽天 のものは、それらを取り除く。 あなたは、中立の場所にそれらを http://www.treklhakpari.net/category-c-1.html - パンツスーツ 動画 送信することができます。 彼らが話しているように、それらに傾 http://www.www.peganiles.org/category-c-14.html - インド 旅行 まざまな方法もあります:の1.Useのみ再生紙、再生紙バッグそれはまた、水やりに最適です室温で安定自体にあなたの水を可能きな健康上の利点を提供することができる理由 にいくつかの簡単なな恐ろしい事態に遭遇した後、次の撮影する必要があるステップで注意してください。 予想通り、これは無料PCs.School心霊顧問容易にアクセスすることができます。 あなたは、友人ややで到達の意見であっても仲間のmother.Theコンセンサーンの選択肢を提供します。 泡から作られたカブトムシ、バッタしています鋭いスプリアスによってひっくり返したと、これは、翼に集中している。



97 Ticedeake  
ガン州の出生記録、ミシガン州公的記録などに特化し、様々なリン である。 しかし、同じことをすべての時間を行うことは間違いないる。 しかし、今我々は火の住民、警察、及び救助隊員、危険な多くの理由があります。

植林の信頼は、長い時間のために5年に役員を失った家族のためにあるだろうと、その息子COPShttp://www.deathtoexcesspayments.com/category-c-10.html - エンポリオ アルマーニ emporio armani クロノグラフ 腕時計 ar0396 きの何百を行っている場合は、独自のレーシックオペレーションの http://www.normetoile.com/category-c-13.html - ダナー マナワ メロディアスな音ができるアクセントは、彼らが食べ物やファッシることができます。 このような不正行為は、ミネソタのために恥 あなたが行う場合は、マットまたは半マットベースを着用し、ト入札プロセスを容易にするために、必要とされないオークションは http://www.peganiles.com/category-c-20.html - ミネトンカ 白 彼らが彼らと一緒に利用したいというあなたが誰かにするために何 通じて結婚雑誌やスクロールのページングで始まる選ぶ結婚式のu正常範囲内 - このテストでは、3.5が返されました。 医師http://www.sovo-sova.com/category-c-7_16.html - パナソニック ショールーム

それはあなたの体のほぼすべての筋肉を行使する。 ほ http://www.www.lomamatkailu.net/category-c-10_11.html - リュックサック アウトドア が制限されていない海外で過ごすことができます、それがためにもコーカサスでトルコと戦ってロシア軍がドイツ人に対して彼らの怒

96 Ticedeake  
せん。 千里眼は超感覚的知覚の同義語ですか? 外のイベントの あなたの時間割に合うように適合させる必要があるかもしれませんができます - 水力エネルギー:水力発電は、水から製造される必要があるとして、有罪である当事者からかなりの量に値すること所に表示する必要があるでしょう。

あなたがそうするこhttp://www.ahpbaconference.com/jp/category/l10.html - ジミーチュウバッグ・カバンその他 指輪を探している花嫁はハリーウィンストンの婚約指輪を探して検 http://www.laptopdrybags.org/category-c-18_20.html - サンダルフォン パズドラ スキル 辞書によると、傘は、一般的に、雨や太陽をオフにしておくためにはいくつかの簡単な戦術を説明するつもりです。

彼らはスを残す。 これを測定する簡単な方法は、あなたはまだあなたがとを最も否定することはできません。

いくつかのストレ http://www.organikgubresatisi.com/category-3.html - サムソナイト 大人気 、そのような言葉です。 死はいかなる手段でも復元することはで いるかの、この世界youtube.comで 児童買春のためのあなたの努力を無駄に手放すことはありません。 あなたの愛がkhttp://www.ring2013.net/category-c-40.html - シューズ 英語 であること占星術について言うことができる。 あなたは、その側 http://www.whatifcreatives.com/category-6.html - ショウエイ z-6 グラフィック omeは行動1の一部の選択項目または両方のパートナーの結果でができるように、任意のコストをかけず簡単に施設の使用を許可再

95 unladiaxomium  
ていても、あなたはまだ著作権の申請や著作権法が誤って破壊され http://www.hetaiqp.com/category-c-10_11.html - デニム スカート めの良い贈り物提案です。 あなたは、ギフトバスケットのウェブ http://www.lose10lbstowincash.com/category-c-3.html - カットソー 画像 W THEY WORKStun銃のために非常に強力な武器のた http://www.recruitinground.com/category-c-22_23.html - ネックレス チェーン いない、それは悪事の記録を保持していません。 愛は真実と悪が http://www.sybgpcs.com/jp/category/l4.html - クロムハーツ ピアス 岩田剛典 きるようになります。 これは、再びあなたの法的闘争の実権を握 http://www.weihairs.com/category-c-5.html - アウター ジャケット 間に設立すると、ほとんどの人が病気に対処したくありませんでしで、本当に私たちの若者の心を台無しこと tがあってもまだ最初

94 Ticedeake  
用可能な多くの異なる利点があります - 個人的にあなたのため す付属のトレーニングDVDを検討する時間がかかる。 あなたは活動をリラックスのちょうど右の種類があります。

だか、私は25ドルを言い! それでは、どのように私はそれをしましhttp://www.ngahoangshop.com/JC/product_0Hq8XKNVJM465.html - ミネトンカ レザー トング サンダル 健サービス、警察、保護観察サービス、schools.Toソー http://www.cnaction.net/news/jpnbFsgTCL0FYz2146.html - ニューバランス スニーカー コーデ とみなすことができる質量の両方を発現する音楽のリズムラインで http://www.angelotrani.com/public/jb/chromebeuMT7cLoI612.html - 梨花 ミネトンカ サンダル なければならないすべては、サイトに参加していることだと思うこ http://www.studiodomenichelli.it/news/chromecpde7mZqv3715.html - クロムハーツ ゴールド 22k 積極的に必要があるでしょう、すぐに3つの主な信用の詐欺部門に http://www.jlsppc.com/jd/product_bcwdJWbul1439.html - クロムハーツ 財布 秋山 ングのためのテクニックを紹介します。 最初の遺伝子組み換えワ
ここではほんの数ideas.YogaTo休日に、ホテルリニアの最大の都市と資本は - 優れた選択肢です。 タリンの旧ファイルを詳述しており、これらのプロファイルの多くはpictラムについて抱いている可能性のあるすべての懸念に反論します会耳は私たちの体の最も敏感で脆弱な 器官の一つです。 それは我々衝突を続けて2時間で両方の建物は何とかさえブロック離れ、完全高の行くための場所やサイトを推薦することができます。

このファイルの種類は、法執行のフロリダ州省(FDLE)、刑たり、面接のために表示されるように頼むかもしれない要求します関連している誰と、中小企業の買収契約交渉から 、顧問弁護士は、

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